<?php namespace Drupal\acm_checkout\Plugin\CheckoutFlow; use Drupal\acm\Connector\APIWrapperInterface; use Drupal\acm\Response\NeedsRedirectException; use Drupal\acm\User\AccountProxyInterface; use Drupal\acm_cart\CartStorageInterface; use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Core\Link; use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryPluginInterface; use Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase; use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface; use Drupal\Core\Url; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; /** * Provides the base checkout flow class. * * Checkout flows should extend this class only if they don't want to use * checkout panes. Otherwise they should extend CheckoutFlowWithPanesBase. */ abstract class CheckoutFlowBase extends PluginBase implements CheckoutFlowInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface { /** * The shopping cart. * * @var \Drupal\acm_cart\CartStorageInterface */ protected $cartStorage; /** * The api wrapper. * * @var \Drupal\acm\Connector\APIWrapperInterface */ protected $apiWrapper; /** * The event dispatcher. * * @var \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface */ protected $eventDispatcher; /** * The commerce user manager. * * @var \Drupal\acm\User\AccountProxyInterface */ private $commerceUserManager; /** * The current step ID. * * @var string */ protected $stepId; /** * Constructs a new CheckoutFlowBase object. * * @param array $configuration * A configuration array containing information about the plugin instance. * @param string $plugin_id * The plugin_id for the plugin instance. * @param mixed $plugin_definition * The plugin implementation definition. * @param \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $event_dispatcher * The event dispatcher. * @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match * The route match. * @param \Drupal\acm_cart\CartStorageInterface $cart_storage * The cart storage. * @param \Drupal\acm\Connector\APIWrapperInterface $api_wrapper * The api wrapper. * @param \Drupal\acm\User\AccountProxyInterface $commerce_user_manager * The commerce user manager. */ public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, EventDispatcherInterface $event_dispatcher, RouteMatchInterface $route_match, CartStorageInterface $cart_storage, APIWrapperInterface $api_wrapper, AccountProxyInterface $commerce_user_manager) { parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition); $this->setConfiguration($configuration); $this->eventDispatcher = $event_dispatcher; $this->cartStorage = $cart_storage; $this->apiWrapper = $api_wrapper; $this->commerceUserManager = $commerce_user_manager; $this->stepId = $this->processStepId($route_match->getParameter('step')); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) { return new static( $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container->get('event_dispatcher'), $container->get('current_route_match'), $container->get('acm_cart.cart_storage'), $container->get('acm.api'), $container->get('acm.commerce_user_manager') ); } /** * Processes the requested step ID. * * @param string $requested_step_id * The step ID. * * @return string * The processed step ID. * * @throws NeedsRedirectException * Throws exception when cart is empty. */ protected function processStepId($requested_step_id) { $cart = $this->cartStorage; // Redirect back to cart page if cart is empty. if ($cart->isEmpty()) { throw new NeedsRedirectException(Url::fromRoute('acm_cart.cart')->toString()); } $cart_step_id = $cart->getCheckoutStep(); $step_ids = array_keys($this->getVisibleSteps()); $step_id = $requested_step_id; if (empty($step_id) || !in_array($step_id, $step_ids)) { // Take the step ID from the cart, or default to the first one. $step_id = $cart_step_id; if (empty($step_id)) { $step_id = reset($step_ids); } } $config = $this->getConfiguration(); $validate_current_step = $config['validate_current_step']; if (empty($validate_current_step)) { return $step_id; } // If user is on a certain step in their cart, check that the step being // processed is not further along in the checkout process then their last // completed step. If they haven't started the checkout yet, make sure they // can't get past the first step. $step_index = array_search($step_id, $step_ids); if (empty($cart_step_id)) { $first_step = reset($step_ids); if ($step_index > $first_step) { return $this->redirectToStep($first_step); } } else { $cart_step_index = array_search($cart_step_id, $step_ids); // Step being processed is further along than they should be, redirect // back to step they still need to complete. if ($step_index > $cart_step_index) { return $this->redirectToStep($cart_step_id); } } return $step_id; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCurrentUser() { $use_ecomm_sessions = \Drupal::config('acm.commerce_users') ->get('use_ecomm_sessions'); if ($use_ecomm_sessions) { $current_user = \Drupal::service('acm.commerce_user_manager'); return $current_user->getAccount(); } else { return \Drupal::currentUser(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCurrentCommerceUser() { $current_user = \Drupal::service('acm.commerce_user_manager'); return $current_user->getAccount(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCart() { return $this->cartStorage; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getApiWrapper() { return $this->apiWrapper; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getStepId() { return $this->stepId; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getPreviousStepId() { $step_ids = array_keys($this->getVisibleSteps()); $current_index = array_search($this->stepId, $step_ids); return isset($step_ids[$current_index - 1]) ? $step_ids[$current_index - 1] : NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getNextStepId() { $step_ids = array_keys($this->getVisibleSteps()); $current_index = array_search($this->stepId, $step_ids); return isset($step_ids[$current_index + 1]) ? $step_ids[$current_index + 1] : NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function redirectToStep($step_id) { $cart = $this->cartStorage; $cart->setCheckoutStep($step_id); throw new NeedsRedirectException(Url::fromRoute('acm_checkout.form', [ 'step' => $step_id, ])->toString()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSteps() { // Each checkout flow plugin defines its own steps. // These two steps are always expected to be present. return [ 'payment' => [ 'label' => $this->t('Payment'), 'next_label' => $this->t('Pay and complete purchase'), ], 'complete' => [ 'label' => $this->t('Complete'), 'next_label' => $this->t('Pay and complete purchase'), ], ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVisibleSteps() { // All steps are visible by default. return $this->getSteps(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function calculateDependencies() { return []; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConfiguration() { return $this->configuration; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setConfiguration(array $configuration) { $this->configuration = NestedArray::mergeDeep($this->defaultConfiguration(), $configuration); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultConfiguration() { return [ 'validate_current_step' => FALSE, 'display_checkout_progress' => TRUE, ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getFormId() { return $this->pluginId; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $steps = $this->getVisibleSteps(); $form['#tree'] = TRUE; $form['#theme'] = ['acm_checkout_form']; $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'acm_checkout/form'; $form['#title'] = $steps[$this->stepId]['label']; $form['actions'] = $this->actions($form, $form_state); return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { if ($next_step_id = $this->getNextStepId()) { /** @var \Drupal\acm_cart\CartStorage $cart */ $cart = $this->cartStorage; $cart->setCheckoutStep($next_step_id); $form_state->setRedirect('acm_checkout.form', [ 'step' => $next_step_id, ]); if ($next_step_id == 'complete') { $cart->updateCart(); $cart_id = $cart->getCartId(); // Place an order. $response = $this->apiWrapper->placeOrder($cart_id, $this->getCurrentUser()->id()); $order_id = NULL; // V1 Connector returns ['order']['id'] V2 returns ['order_id']. if (array_key_exists('order_id', $response)) { $order_id = $response['order_id']; } elseif (array_key_exists('order', $response)) { $order_id = $response['order']['id']; } if (!$order_id) { // @TODO: Do we need to throw any exception? return; } $timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(); $request = \Drupal::request(); // Store the order time and order id to a cookie so that any checkout // panes after this have access to it. This would be useful in the case // of a "Completion" pane wanting to show order details. if (isset($request->cookies)) { $request->cookies->set('Drupal_visitor_acm_order_id', $order_id); $request->cookies->set('Drupal_visitor_acm_order_timestamp', $timestamp); } user_cookie_save([ 'acm_order_id' => $order_id, 'acm_order_timestamp' => $timestamp, ]); } } } /** * Builds the actions element for the current form. * * @param array $form * The current form. * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state * The current form state. * * @return array * The actions element. */ protected function actions(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $steps = $this->getVisibleSteps(); $next_step_id = $this->getNextStepId(); $previous_step_id = $this->getPreviousStepId(); $has_next_step = $next_step_id && isset($steps[$next_step_id]['next_label']); $has_previous_step = $previous_step_id && isset($steps[$previous_step_id]['previous_label']); $actions = [ '#type' => 'actions', '#access' => $has_next_step, ]; if ($has_next_step) { $actions['next'] = [ '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $steps[$next_step_id]['next_label'], '#button_type' => 'primary', '#submit' => ['::submitForm'], ]; if ($has_previous_step) { $label = $steps[$previous_step_id]['previous_label']; $actions['next']['#suffix'] = Link::createFromRoute($label, 'acm_checkout.form', [ 'step' => $previous_step_id, ])->toString(); } } return $actions; } }